

七月 15, 2018

In order to learn backend knowledge, I buy a aliyun server recently. This post records the problem I met in learning.

nvm current null
I use nvm to manage node versions. when I installed it and exit aliyun teminal and log in, I found a problem that temimal told me to do this nvm install N/A before to use nvm. Result of command nvm current is null. You need to set node version again by nvm use your node version.

The reason of above, is nvm use only avaliable on current bash terminal, when you open a new terminal, $PATHis not included in that node directory.

You need to use a command to solve it.

nvm alias default <version>
nvm alias default v8.10.0

to specify default node versions for nvm.

Use FileZilla tool to upload files to aliyun server.

something need to be noticed:

* port `22` when use `sftp` protocol
* port `21` when use `ftp` protocol

otherview, you cant connect the server with wrong port.